The key global nationals read by the business community

We have selected the top 50 countries globally based on GDP, and in each country identified the three (in most cases) key national papers whose business sections have a strong editorial team, and are respected by the local business community.

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Home Pitching Guides The key global nationals read by the business community

Discover the top 150 global national papers across 50 countries.

These nationals are your target market if you want to influence the business community in each country or on a global scale.

In some cases there may be more than three outlets, but our selection captures the most respected titles.

Roxhill gives you everything you need to target the right journalists, fast.

If you are trying to engage with key journalists, Roxhill’s topic-led media database will give you the insight you need to PR your stories with greater ease, accuracy and efficiency.

If you want your stories to really stand out from the crowd and catch the attention of the right journalists at the right time, sign up for a free trial today.

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