In the hot seat:
Bridget March: Digital Beauty Editor at Harper’s Bazaar
Bridget’s Focus:
- Bridget works Monday-Thursday
- Main focus is beauty and wellness
- Also crosses over into science and arts
- Bridget’s day has a 50:50 split between social and SEO stories:
- AM: Check embargoes that have been lifted, scan social media, look at what is trending
- PM: Focus on features, interviews and SEO
Harper’s Bazaar:
- Quality over quantity for online stories
- Big focus on producing content with purpose
- Print and Online – the teams are not merged but Becky Murray, Beauty Editor works on both print and digital
- Some print stories are repacked and put online
- Popular stories are a mixture of shopping, services and trends
- Stories featuring celebrities,models,actresses, Hollywood stars do well
- SEO stories are popular e.g. advice for a certain skin issue – readers search for their problem on Google
- They look at the activities of stylists and A-listers as well as google trends, Mintel reports and trade fashion publications for spotting trends
- Readership is age 25 – 45. Average reader is a 32-year-old, wealthy, successful career-woman
- Exclusives work well – “first look” features give Bazaar the edge
- Lead times on stories can be quite long to enable tracking on Google – soft launch of stories in advance, articles are then updated by a minimum of 30% (as per Google rules) when they are ready to be promoted on social media
- All products are tested before going online, especially for reviews and product roundups
- 2020 Trends:
- Streamlining of packaging –Simplicity but playfulness, fun but not excessive
- Age inclusion from skincare and beauty brands
- ‘skinimalistic’ and ‘intermittent fasting for skin’ are emerging trends
- Sustainability runs through everything Bazaar do – they have a responsibility to not promote myths and fake news, so facts and stats are key to validate stories
Top Tips:
- Emails are prefered, doesn’t use phone
- Personal approach is best
- Suggest ideas for how the press release could work for Bazaar
- Include 1 or 2 images in emails, dropbox is preferred to wetransfer
- Links in press releases/editorials are good as this adds to Bazaar’s authority
- Bridget doesn’t mind being messaged on social media if the query is relevant to her
- Feel free to send a follow-up email after 1 week if Bridget hasn’t responded
- Quotes from experts in press releases are helpful but not necessary, Bridget is happy to gain expert-opinions and quotes from her own contacts
- PR packages and samples – small products that are suitable for Bridget are fine to send without asking first. Due to the hot desks at the office and limited storage space, it’s best to check before sending bigger packages
- Bespoke packages are likely to catch Bridget’s eye but won’t guarantee coverage
- Send information about the product and why it is unique and beneficial with the product, but it’s also wise to send a follow-up email with a reminder of this information
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