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So Selfish

I’m being inundated with invites to visual launches, panels and seminars. I can see that the PR needs to put brand founders in front of journalists, and there’s no doubt journalists gain from meeting them. However, it’s hard to muster up the same enthusiasm as you would for meeting them in real life. It’s a bit like going to the gym, there is an obvious pay off, but it feels like a monumental effort at the time.

Clever PRs have found way to make them more attractive to us journalists. Yesterday I got invite from Emma Bracey-Wright for a virtual one-to-one with the founder and CEO of GetHarley, a new digital platform that connects skincare professionals with consumers. After a 30-minute consultation, in which they asses your skincare needs, they send a curated product regime to your door. Genius.

Emma didn’t just offer the CEO chat, though. She also extended an offer to try the service for free afterwards. BOOM! I’ve signed up. The CEO and the concept sound interesting, but the carrot of getting my own personalised expert edit of product seals the deal. Human nature is nothing if not predicable eh?

What Rosie Thinks…

“It’s about the stage of lockdown when we are all getting panicky about grey hairs appearing, Shellac nails growing out and more generally, the slow slide into Hagrid levels of grooming. L’Oreal has got its timing spot on and capitalised on this feeling, sending out a very simple release that effectively communicates its brow offer. A new interesting launch tops a list of its stalwarts, with product, prices and clean dynamic imagery.”

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