The long game. And shouting about brand success.

Home RoxStars The long game. And shouting about brand success.

The long game. And shouting about brand success.

After a year where we’ve worn not much else, I wasn’t sure there was more to be written about pyjamas. But never say never. This week I was commissioned to do a story on the growth of the nightwear market in the wake of the pandemic. (Don’t @ me, I’ve filed!) 

It made me think that while so many of the emails I receive from PRs are about trying to get the immediate hits – asking me what I am working on now and how can their brand be a part of it. Instead, it might actually be better to think of a much longer game. 

No one commissioned me to write about nightwear last year back when all the fashion desks were covering it, and I didn’t want to pitch it as topic because I felt it had been ‘done’. But I still had at the forefront of my mind the nightwear brands who had reached out to me last year in a meaningful way about their business. Now, many months later, they will finally get some coverage. 

I guess the point is do keep sending those emails. Do keep reminding journalists about your brands, and have faith that work will pay off. Maybe not right now, but at some point. 

Most importantly do talk about any successes your brands are experiencing. I’ve unearthed some brilliant stats about growth and sales while researching this piece and have wondered why the PRs have been keeping the information quiet.

If you have a brand or category that had grown 60 per cent or 90 per cent in the last six months or year, don’t wait for a journalist to ask – write that release or email and shout about it. In fact, put it in your subject line. 

What Kate Thinks…

“A soothing release from The White Company, which captures one mood in fashion right now. Actually, it’s a kind of anti-fashion mood. It’s all about embracing the classics, those trust-worthy pieces that will be as reliable in your wardrobe when we emerge from lockdown as they are now. This is definitely chiming with some customers now – even high fashion customers. recently launched its Wardrobe Foundations collection with a similar mood and aim. Anyway, I like the DPS/landscape format of this release – it looks like a nice piece of editorial, the products and the imagery. Considered and to the point.”

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