Certain heads are going to swell, notably at FTI, Brunswick and Sard Verbinnen.
A league table from MergerLinks of the flaks and firms that have advised on the most and biggest deals in EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) from the second half of last year to the first half of this has Ed Bridges of FTI Consulting as the winner.
He’s probably dancing round his living room in his underpants as we speak.
Charlie Pretzlik of Brunswick came in second. He’ll be spitting feathers.
Aside from Brunswick and FTI, the notable name is Sard Verbinnen, which is interesting since they are New York based and perhaps shouldn’t be eating the lunch of more established London firms. The London firms might think.
I predict that flaks not in this particular league table will react in their usual measured, balanced, adult manner.