Who fancies doing PR for Eloon Musk?

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Who fancies doing PR for Eloon Musk?

For those of you thoroughly sick of Elon Musk and wishing he would go away, I bring encouraging whispers from the car industry.

My car correspondent says Tesla drivers in the UK particularly are trying to offload the vehicles since owning one has become an embarrassment.

The electric vehicle market is flooded with supply so prices are tumbling.

Owners are buying stickers for their Tesla which say things like “Trust Me I Don’t Like Him Either” and “I Love My Car, Not The CEO.”

Following some of his remarks about women MPs and women in general, the wives of potential Tesla buyers are making their feelings known.

Actual quote: “I am literally the kind of t***** that would buy a Tesla, but I can’t because of that guy.

All of this will show up in industry sales figures before long, I’m assured. VW is delighted.

This is a sharp change of narrative for the man Private Eye is calling Eloon Musk.

Until recently, the thinking was that sure, he overpaid for Twitter, and perhaps ruined it, but the influence he gets from it will be worth billions in government contracts.

Well, maybe in the US. Other governments may find plenty of reasons to avoid him.

Back in 2020, Musk had so little interest in public relations, since he thought he could do it all himself, he fired Tesla’s PR department.

He might have to rehire it or seek external help.

I wonder if Teneo, Brunswick and the rest would be up for this, or consider him such a toxic risk they dare not.

I think this might be one of those cases where they absolutely insist they do not speak for him, while whispering things into his ear for pockets of gold.

What would his first move to redemption be?

A female PR expert writes: “Give money to charities that offer support to victims of domestic violence, which is what he should have done before he opened his stupid fat mouth in the first place.

Musk plainly doesn’t care what you think of him. He does care about sales though.

At the moment, he is in self-driving them off a cliff of his own making.

Please send candidates for press release of the day to: Simon.english@roxhillmedia.com

Press release of the day

Why are so many company CFOs stepping down, asks this from AJ Bell.

Four announcements by UK-listed firms of a change in chief financial officer (CFO) takes the total to 12 across the whole market and two in the FTSE 100 already, and we’re barely past Twelfth Night,” says AJ Bell investment director Russ Mould.

This is a good topic. Outside the UK, the same thing is happening with CEOs

Even they all want to quit

What’s occurring?

Stories that will keep rolling

1) Pound at lowest for a year as borrowing costs soar. BBC

2) Why rising bond yields are rattling Rachel Reeves. Guardian

3) Greggs last high street store to say it will raise prices. Independent

4) Terry Smith dumps Diageo over impact of weight-loss drugs. FT

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