What’s the deal with social posting?

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What’s the deal with social posting?

Get out the world’s smallest violin, because I ended last week completely exhausted and in need of a 12-hour sleepathon. It was all because I went out four nights in a row.

Yes, when I tell anyone how tiring it is to attend the launch dinner for the new Claridge’s restaurant, or the pressure involved in chatting to food legend Delia Smith at Angela Hartnett’s Murano celebration dinner, they’re strangely lacking in sympathy!

I mention these not because I actually expect any sympathy but, in this forum, it’s to talk about the ‘deal’ about posting on social media between the guest and the host (or more significantly the host’s PR) on these occasions. 

I’m interested to know if and how often that conversation is part of the structure of the plan for an event. It’s not really journalism in the traditional sense, unlike when a writer is invited – usually to a big ticket item like an overseas trip, or stay in a smart hotel – and embedded in the email are the words “in return for coverage”. That’s pretty straightforward.

Often in an invitation to an event or an offer of a gift there’s no request or requirement for the guest to post but I imagine these days it’s pretty important exposure when a well-known and well-followed person shares their snaps. 

How do you phrase it when you want to hint/suggest/make clear that a social post is desirable if not essential – this is not, after all, a financial transaction… Too plainly stated and it sounds like I’m only included for my numbers; too subtle and it might come off like a needy friend. 

I liked one yesterday from Dean Piper at Beak Communications: “all we’d like in return is some social media love, but this is a gift so no pressure, we just hope you’re going to love it” which is clear, concise and just the right tone!

What Lisa thinks…

“This fun, informative press release does it all (except not mention how long the “pop-up” is open for, which only raises a question…)”

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