New Launches

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New launches

Imagine if the food publicity machine operated like the fashion one? How very different our lives would be. As I write, colleagues and friends from the style pages have just returned from Mexico, Seoul, the South of France and Los Angeles on a succession of trips to launch various collections by different fashion labels.

I mean, imagine if Tesco took food editors to New Orleans to launch its barbecue range, or Fortnum and Mason whisking us to Tokyo, the source of its new wagyu beef on sale? I, for one, feel that I’d understand a new olive oil much better if I were to spend a long weekend in the Greek countryside…

I jest, of course. Not very many brands other than high luxury labels can afford to jet journalists around the world. But if we can’t go to Oaxaca and drink mescal on a ranch, and have to settle for a room decorated with a few Day of the Dead masks and some corn chips (I’m making this up, so huge apologies if it even tangentially sounds like a real launch), then how about bringing an expert in Mexican drinks, or Japanese beef, to us?

That would make a launch party go with a swing but also give some real context and colour to any stories. Direct quotes always make compelling online headlines, as I think I’ve mentioned before, so bring on the chefs, distillers and makes from around the world.

We’d welcome it.

What Lisa thinks…

“There’s lots of cheering, delicious-looking news within the M&S Cafe release but I suspect I’m not the only one who finds the relentless use of CAPITALS a bit over the top. It’s good, we get it!”

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