In the hot seat:
Dipal Acharya: Arts and Entertainment Director at ES Magazine
Dipal’s Focus:
- Dipal is still on maternity leave
- Looking to go back to work early 2020
- She loves being called at her desk – not mobile
- Generally, hotel reviews take place at the weekend and when reviewing somewhere she doesn’t want any arranged meetings or a hotel tour
- 1 night for reviews sometimes isn’t sufficient enough to review a property properly – PRs need to be flexible
- She reads and files every single email – always explain why you are sending something over
- Loves meeting for a coffee, meeting near the office mid-morning is preferred, breakfast meetings don’t work for her due to internal meetings
ES Magazine:
- ES Magazine has an ABC1 readership
- ES runs on Thursday and Friday so double exposure for clients
- 3-4-month lead time for identifying stories and there are quarterly meetings to plan content and stories
- ES Magazine production team works a week in advance. Press day is a Friday for the following week’s issue.
- Exclusives and embargoes are important for ES Magazine. Likes 2-3 weeks space in-between an exclusive in ES and the story running in another title. ES Mag prefer a different take on a story to the story offered to other title.
- The cover can change very quickly due to unforeseen events
- Blanket rule that no one from ES Magazine goes on group trips
- Staff have to take their own leave and do not want to travel with other journalists featuring the same place
- London audience only therefore content is very focussed to this
- Capital Gains = a page dedicated for London Events
- ESCAPE = outside London and overseas travel
- 3 formats for travel pages: listed guide, a round-up of 3-4 places as part of a feature on an area and a write through (full review)
Top Tips:
- Images are important and a select few should be kept back for ES’ exclusive use
- Readers are not wanting to fly as much due to eco consciousness – sustainability credentials are becoming more Important to the consumer
- People are not wanting to go far away for short periods of time so 2020 even bigger focus on the UK and Europe – travel is mainly focused on a destination, not just a hotel
- The more exciting and surprising the pitch for a cover star the better – does not have to be high profile. Just needs to have a story.
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