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What is Roxhill says?

Little information nuggets we add to each journalist’s profile right under their contact details, so PRs can find out more about them in less time. Our PR software doesn’t just give you contact details. You get the backstory on journalists and their careers so you can understand what makes them tick.

Notes about CNBC Journalists - here we come

Prepare for your next pitch with our Roxhill says notes, carefully curated in a handy infographic. We give you access to key information you can’t find anywhere else about CNBC journalists, learn who to pitch to and who is not PR-able at the news channel. All you need to do is download it and save for the right time.

Download the free infographic to find out 

How and what to pitch to CNBC

How and what to pitch to the CNBC

This Roxhill Media mini guide has been put together specifically to help you understand operations on CNBC Europe’s two platforms, broadcast and online news.

It’s filled with all the information and advice you need to know to make the perfect pitch to the channel.


How to pitch CNBC Broadcast

PR Insights

Journalists’ bugbears


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