Do you want to know when to send your pitch to journalists from the ES Magazine and other publications?
Days and even hours can be really specific at newspaper titles when it comes to pitching your stories. If you know when to approach journalists, you’re halfway there. To make your life easier and help you prepare for your next press release, we’ve combed through our latest eBook ‘How to Pitch to the National Newspaper Supplements‘ for the best timings. Here’s a quick overview, for the full version, download our infographics ‘What Time Is Best To Pitch?’
Save the days in your calendar and never miss an opportunity to get your feature front and centre.
P.S.: We’ve also included a top tip from each editor as an extra!
Dipal Acharya
Dipal's Top Tip: email your pitch on Monday morning before the features meeting
Krissi Murison
Krissi's Top Tip: Investigate your own stories and don’t leave any questions unanswered.
Nicola Jeal
Nicola's Top Tip: The team puts together the fashion content on Wednesday.
Jackie Annesley
Jackie's Top Tip: The magazine is passionate about making women over 40 feel visible.
Lisa Markwell
Lisa's Top Tip: The team plans three to four months ahead