Price tags
Unless you are a fan of bad jokes, it’s unlikely that this week’s Tory Party Conference raised much of a smile. “Build Back Batter” isn’t very funny when in some parts of the country the cost of fish and chips stands at £13.95. When the Cod-father himself, Boris Johnson, admits that Britain’s economic recovery will “sometimes be difficult”, you know it’s going to be a rough ride. The cost of living is rising exponentially. Universal credit is being slashed. People are counting their pennies like never before.
Maybe this is why I’ve felt particularly irritated by this week’s deluge of emails from PRs that wax lyrical about every single detail of their product while failing to mention its price. Much as I appreciate the lavish photos and florid descriptions, the idea that the price of the item doesn’t matter is a foolish one. I write for publications who won’t run anything that costs more than £300 on their pages, and others for whom the sky’s the limit. Either way, I want to know an item’s price without the bother of having to click on a link to a website.
Never has price sensitivity been more front of mind for consumers. Surely it should be the same for the journalists and PRs who serve them.

What Laura Thinks…
“Can this really be true? I live on a street with a regal name, and believe me, Wills and Kate would not want to live here.”