Start-up guide for PRs

At Roxhill, we know being a great PR is so much more than building email lists and sending out releases.

We’ve put together this start-up guide for PRs, packed with insider tips from our team, and top editors across the UK, to give you a head start on your way to PR success.

Download our Start-up Guide for PRs and access insider information on how to put your best foot forward and land those successful pitches.

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Home Pitching Guides Ultimate PR Start-up Guide for PRs

Find out what they need, when they need it.

Every day we talk to journalists about the things that really count when it comes to getting coverage in their pages. 

Learn about some of the fundamental skills that are part of the job, with a large helping of hints and tricks to help set you stand out in the eyes of the press.

Roxhill gives you everything you need to target the right journalists, fast.

If you are trying to engage with key journalists, editors or influencers at the UK national glossy supplements, Roxhill’s topic-led media database will give you the insight you need to PR your stories with greater ease, accuracy and efficiency.

If you want your stories to really stand out from the crowd and catch the attention of the right journalists, at the right time, sign up for a free trial today.

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