Beginner’s Guide to PR Round-up​

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The Roxhill Commandments

Set yourself apart as a PR who means business by always following these simple PR commandments.

When we speak to journalists, the same PR niggles come up again and again. These are small things, but they can really grind if you’re a top editor seeing them day in, day out so keep reading for Roxhill’s essential PR commandments.

1. Thou shalt always read a publication before you pitch…

Roxhill's pitching guide on starting up as a new PR. Insider tips and tricks to help you get ahead.

Get a head start on your way to PR success with our free guide

Every day we talk to journalists about the things that really count when it comes to getting coverage in their pages. We’ve put together this start-up guide for PRs, packed with insider tips from our team, and top editors across the UK, to give you a head start on your way to PR success…


We're more than just a database

Roxhill brings you intelligence, social feeds, webinars and interviews as well as educational guides to help you answer the four critical PR questions: Who, how and when to contact, and what to pitch.  See how Roxhill can help you, today.


We're more than just a database

Roxhill brings you intelligence, social feeds, webinars and interviews as well as educational guides to help you answer the four critical PR questions: Who, how and when to contact, and what to pitch.  See how Roxhill can help you, today.


Journalists' biggest PR bugbears

We asked about their biggest bug bears, and they divulged: these are the things that most annoy the UK’s top writers and editors.

We spoke to leading journalists to find out their biggest bug bears when it comes to the emails that flood their inboxes every day.

Here’s what they had to say…

Demystifying journalist job titles

A glossary of journalist job titles for PR pros.

Brush up on what journalist job titles mean with our journalist job title glossary, and never send your pitch to the wrong person ever again…


An Insider’s Guide to Christmas Gift Lists

PR Insights

How to approach a journalist who’s left the game


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